
Bacteria to treat Ammonical Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen in Wastewater

These bacteria are known to play a significant role in reduction of nitrogen levels in effluent. Images as seen under microscope.
Nitrite Oxydising bacteria (NOB) Nitrospira

Ammonia oxydising bacteria (AOB) Nitrosolobus

Ammonia oxydising bacteria (AOB) Nitrosomona

Nitrite Oxydising bacteria (NOB)  Nitrococcus

1 comment:

  1. Véronique LALANNE CRDP Aquitaine FranceDecember 05, 2011

    Dear Sir,

    The Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique d’Aquitaine depending on the French Ministry of National Education a new collection concerning the study of Biology. This product is made for students and teachers of technology schools.

    We would like to ask you for the authorization to reproduce in our publication some images we have not choosen for instance on your blog.
    Waiting for your help, please approve, Dear Sir, the expression of our best greetings.
    Véronique LALANNE
    Service Edition
